Terms of Service

Release Date: September 19, 2022
Effective Date: September 19, 2022

I. Service Subject and Account Number

1.1 This service is provided by Hongtu."Hongtu"is a network platform operated by Nanjing Tujie Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as the"Company"). "Hongtu" under this Agreement may refer to Hongtu's webpage, mobile terminal and relevant technical services provided around Hongtu's software products according to different contexts."User"refers to the user who registers, logs in and uses Hongtu products and services, and is referred to as"you" in this Agreement.In order to improve the user experience and compliance requirements, Hongtu will update the provisions of this Agreement and the operating rules issued from time to time in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the state, so as to better provide you with Internet-based and mobile network-related services.You can become a user of Hongtu Network Service (i.e. "User") only after you agree to abide by all the terms of this Agreement and complete all the registration procedures according to the prompts on the page.

1.2 Please carefully read and fully understand the contents of the terms, especially the terms of exemption or limitation of liability, application of law and dispute resolution.Once you click "agree", it means that you fully accept all the terms under this agreement, and this agreement will be legally binding on you.You must carefully choose whether to accept this agreement.If you click on the relevant page to confirm this Agreement, or make (or are deemed by Hongtu to make) an expression of consent to this Agreement during the registration/login process, or continue to use the services provided by Hongtu after Hongtu has reasonably shown/reminded/notified you of this Agreement or any updated version of this Agreement, or make an expression of consent to this Agreement in other ways,Means that you fully agree to all the terms of this agreement.

1.3 When you fill in the information according to the prompts on the registration page, read and agree to this agreement and complete all the registration procedures, Hongtu will give the user a user account (hereinafter referred to as the "account") and the corresponding password. The ownership of the account belongs to Hongtu. After the user completes the registration application procedures, he will obtain the right to use the account. The account and password will be kept by the user.Users are legally responsible for all activities and events that occur on their account.

1.4 Because your Hongtu account is associated with your personal information and Hongtu business information, your Hongtu account can only be used by you.Without the consent of Hongtu, you shall not directly or indirectly transfer or authorize a third party to use your Hongtu account or obtain the information under your account, otherwise the authorization is invalid.

II. Service Content

2.1 The user understands that Hongtu only provides relevant network services, and in addition, the equipment (such as personal computers, other devices related to Internet access or mobile network) and the required fees (such as telephone charges and Internet access fees paid for Internet access) related to relevant network services shall be borne by the user.

III. Change, interruption or termination of services

3.1 In view of the particularity of network services, the user agrees that Hongtu has the right to change, interrupt or terminate part or all of the network services (including fee-based network services) at any time.If the changed, interrupted or terminated network service is a free network service, Hongtu does not need to notify the user, nor does it need to assume any responsibility for any user or any third party.

3.2 The user understands that Hongtu needs to regularly or irregularly repair, maintain, upgrade or update the platform (such as the Internet website) or related equipment that provides network services. If the charging network service is interrupted within a reasonable time due to such circumstances, Hongtu shall not be liable for this, but Hongtu shall notify in advance as far as possible.

3.3 In case of any of the following circumstances, Hongtu has the right to interrupt or terminate the provision of network services (including fee-based network services) to users under this Agreement at any time without any liability to users or any third party:

3.3.1 The personal data provided by the user is not true;

3.3.2 The user violates laws and regulations, regulatory requirements or this Agreement;

3.3.3 The user fails to pay the corresponding service fee to Hongtu according to the regulations when using the charging network service;

3.3.4 The user infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of any third party, including but not limited to patent right, copyright, trademark right, or name right, name right, reputation right, honor right, portrait right and privacy right;

3.3.5 Users damage the image of regulatory authorities, state organs and governments;

3.3.6 The user damages the legitimate rights and interests such as the goodwill or reputation of Hongtu in any way;

3.3.7 Hongtu has other reasonable reasons to consider that it is necessary to interrupt or terminate the provision of services to users.

IV. Rules of Use

4.1 Users have the obligation of real-name authentication when applying for the use of Hongtu network services. Users must provide accurate personal information to Hongtu according to the requirements at that time. If there is any change in personal information, it must be updated in a timely manner.If the user is a legal person or an unincorporated organization, it is necessary to provide accurate verification data such as certificates and qualifications for real-name authentication.

4.2 The User shall not transfer or lend his/her account or password to others.If users find that their accounts are illegally used by others, they should immediately notify Hongtu.Hongtu does not assume any responsibility for the illegal use of accounts and passwords by others due to hacker behavior or user's negligence in custody.

4.2.1 Hongtu platform accounts are divided into personal accounts and enterprise accounts.

Personal account authority, with the ability to upload, download and purchase Hongtu platform products or services, Hongtu products or services downloaded and purchased by personal account are generally limited to personal use, without the right to sublicense, we may require users to verify the uploading or downloading behavior of personal account in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state;

Enterprise account permission: The business owner account has the ability to upload, download and purchase Hongtu platform products or services, and can open sub-accounts and manage their permissions.

An enterprise user may apply for a sub-management account (referred to as a "sub-account") of the Hongtu account (referred to as the "main account") for the use of the user's employees, employees and other subordinates when registering the Hongtu account, and the holder of the main account shall properly keep and assign the authority of the sub-account.Any uploading, downloading and deletion of the holder of the main account and sub-account represents the behavior of the natural person, legal person and non-legal organization to which the main account belongs.

4.2.2 If the user is an offline contracted customer of Hongtu, he shall still exercise the corresponding rights and perform the corresponding obligations in accordance with this Agreement.

4.3 The user agrees that Hongtu shall place commercial advertisements or any other types of commercial information in various ways in the process of providing services (including but not limited to placing advertisements in any position of the platform involved in this agreement, and placing advertisements in the content uploaded and disseminated by the user).Users agree and accept Hongtu to send promotional or other relevant commercial information to users through e-mail, in-station short messages, mobile phone short messages, website announcements or other means.

4.4 If the uploading or downloading of a work is involved in the process of using the service, the user may download and use the work under the condition of complying with the uploading or downloading rules of the work, and the user also has the right to choose to publish or not to publish the work.Unless otherwise stipulated in the upload or download rules, the user shall not use the material for profit-making activities.Users guarantee that they enjoy complete copyright of the works uploaded to Hongtu website according to law, and that their uploading behavior and content do not infringe upon all legitimate rights and interests of others, such as portrait rights, privacy rights and reputation rights.For the works uploaded by the user, the user still retains all the original rights, and the user agrees and promises to abide by the following agreements:

4.4.1 Hongtu has the right to use the works uploaded by users for all acts related to the community or users for the purpose of display, promotion and publicity, including but not limited to network dissemination of information on Hongtu or third-party websites, display as network search results, embedding codes, collection as compilation works, production and distribution of printed matter, etc.

4.4.2 Hongtu will adopt software and measures recognized in the industry to restrict other users or viewers from arbitrarily copying high-definition works without permission.However, Hongtu cannot guarantee that the uploaded works will not be illegally copied by others without the user's permission.Iridegraph does not restrict other users or viewers from copying low-resolution works or thumbnails in the website, for which users agree and give corresponding authorization to Iridegraph.

4.4.3 Hongtu has the right to select some pictures with commercial value from the public works uploaded by users and place them on the homepage or other locations of the platform involved in this agreement.

4.4.4 Once the user agrees to this agreement and uploads pictures that meet the requirements of this agreement, the platform will obtain the right to use such pictures by itself or by allowing others to use them, including but not limited to copying, distribution, rental, exhibition, projection, broadcasting, information network dissemination, adaptation and other ways stipulated by copyright law.The user understands and agrees that the user of such pictures can decide whether to sign for the author according to the actual occasion and situation of using the pictures.

4.4.5 The user guarantees that he has full capacity for civil conduct to sign this Agreement and has the right to authorize Hongtu under this Agreement.

4.5 Commitment of the user: comply with the requirements of the seven bottom lines of laws and regulations, socialist system, national interests, legitimate interests of citizens, public order, social morality and authenticity of information.

4.6 The user shall not use the user account or the services provided by Hongtu to engage in the following acts:

(1) Publishing, transmitting, disseminating and storing contents prohibited by national laws and regulations:

a.Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution;

b.Endanger state security, divulge state secrets, subvert state power and undermine national unity;

c.Damaging the honor and interests of the state;

d.Distorting, vilifying, desecrating or denying the deeds and spirit of heroic martyrs, and infringing upon the names, portraits, reputations and honors of heroic martyrs by insulting, slandering or other means;

e.Advocating terrorism or extremism or inciting terrorist or extremist activities;

f.Inciting ethnic hatred or discrimination and undermining ethnic unity;

g.Undermining the state's religious policies and propagating cults and feudal superstitions;

h.Disseminating rumors and disrupting economic and social order;

i.Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;

j.Insulting or slandering others, infringing upon the reputation, privacy and other legitimate rights and interests of others;

k.Inciting unlawful assembly, association, procession, demonstration or gathering a crowd to disturb public order;

l.Carrying out activities in the name of an illegal non-governmental organization;

m.Containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

(2) Publishing, transmitting, disseminating and storing contents that infringe upon other people's patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, reputation rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, property rights, trade secrets or other legitimate rights.

(3) Publishing, transmitting, disseminating and storing contents involving other people's privacy, personal information or data.

(4) Publish, transmit or disseminate harassing information, advertising information, spam information, or content containing any sexual or sexually suggestive information.

(5) Publish, transmit and spread rumors, false information or other contents containing false information.

(6) Publish, transmit, disseminate and store other information that violates laws, regulations, policies, public order and good customs, social morality or is not conducive to the normal operation of the rainbow map and infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.Violation of "public order and good customs" includes but is not limited to all violations of morality, good customs or community public order that may seriously mislead public awareness, have fraudulent or improper nature, buy and sell the number of likes, buy and sell the number of fans, etc.

(7) Publishing, transmitting, disseminating and storing harmful information containing the following contents:

a.Using exaggerated titles, the contents of which are seriously inconsistent with the titles;

b.Speculating on scandals, scandals, misdeeds, etc.;

c.Improperly commenting on natural disasters, major accidents and other disasters;

d.With sexual hints, sexual teasing, etc., which easily make people have sexual associations;

e.Showing blood, horror, cruelty, etc., causing physical and mental discomfort;

f.Inciting crowd discrimination, regional discrimination, etc.;

g.Publicizing vulgar, vulgar and vulgar contents;

h.May cause minors to imitate unsafe behavior and violate social morality, induce minors'bad habits, etc;

i.Other content that has a negative impact on the network ecology.

(8) To infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others or seek illegal interests by publishing, deleting information and other means of interfering with the presentation of information.

(9) Use new technologies and applications such as in-depth learning and virtual reality to engage in activities prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

(10) Traffic fraud, traffic hijacking, false registration accounts, illegal trading accounts and manipulation of user accounts are carried out by manual or technical means to destroy the ecological order of the network.

(11) Using the Party flag, Party emblem, national flag, national emblem, national anthem and other symbols and contents representing the image of the Party and the state, or in the name of major national events, major anniversaries and state organs and their staff, to carry out online commercial marketing activities in violation of laws and regulations.

4.7 In case of any illegal use of the account or any abnormality or security vulnerability of the account, the user shall immediately notify Hongtu.

4.8 Hongtu has the right to review and inspect the contents published by users (including but not limited to works, comments, etc.) in real time. If Hongtu finds or receives reports or complaints from others that users violate the provisions of this Agreement, laws, regulations and regulatory requirements, Hongtu or its authorized persons have the right to make independent judgments on users'behavior.Delete, block or directly take other necessary measures at any time without notice to mitigate the impact of the user's improper behavior; and impose penalties on the account of the user who violates the rules, including but not limited to warning, ban, temporary or permanent ban of the account, depending on the severity of the behavior, and have the right to announce the results and report to the relevant competent authorities as appropriate.Hongtu also has the right to refuse to provide services to the user in accordance with the provisions of this agreement.According to the seriousness of the circumstances, the punishment measures are divided into:

Level 1 penalty: in-station letter warning (the user is given a warning for violating the terms of this agreement);

Level 2 penalty: 10 days of speech ban (users who fail to handle the illegal content as required within 10 days after the warning);

Level 3 punishment: ban the account for 1 to 30 days (excluding 30 days) (Hongtu determines that the circumstances are serious);

Level 4 penalty: permanently ban the account and refuse to provide any service to the user again (Hongtu determines that the circumstances are bad);

If the user is punished by Grade 1 to Grade 4 due to violations, he shall contact and communicate with Hongtu in time during the punishment period to effectively reduce the adverse effects caused by violations, and promise to use the services in Hongtu legally and reasonably in strict accordance with the agreement, and Hongtu will mitigate the punishment imposed on the user according to the circumstances.

4.9 Any statement, notice, warning and other contents made by Hongtu for the use of certain specific Hongtu network services through various means (including but not limited to webpage announcement, e-mail, SMS reminder, etc.) shall be deemed as a part of this Agreement. If the user uses such Hongtu network services, it shall be deemed that the user agrees to the contents of such statement, notice and warning.

4.10 The user has the right to delete the uploaded works at any time, and Hongtu may also delete any works that violate the provisions of this Agreement (including the user's works displayed by Hongtu on any third-party website).

V. Intellectual Property Rights

5.1 Any text, pictures, graphics, audio and/or video materials contained in the network services provided by Hongtu are protected by copyright, trademark and/or other property ownership laws. Unless otherwise agreed, without the consent of the relevant obligee, the above materials shall not be directly or indirectly published, broadcast, rewritten or reissued in any media for the purpose of broadcasting or publishing.Or used for any other commercial purpose.All or any part of such data may be stored on a computer only for private and non-commercial use.IRONTURE shall not be liable to the user or any third party in any manner whatsoever for any delay, inaccuracy, error or omission arising out of or in the transmission or delivery of all or part of the above information or for any damages arising therefrom or therefrom.

5.2 All rights of any software (including but not limited to any image, photo, animation, video, audio, music, text and additional program contained in the software, and the attached help materials) used by Hongtu for providing network services belong to the copyright owner of the software, and without the permission of the copyright owner of the software.You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.

5.3 The user guarantees that the uploaded works shall not infringe or violate the copyright, patent right, trademark right, trade secret, privacy right, reputation right, portrait right, property right, publicity right or other legitimate rights and interests of a third party.

VI. Privacy Protection

6.1 It is a basic policy of Hongtu to protect the privacy of users. Hongtu guarantees that it will not disclose to the public or provide to third parties the registration information of individual users and the non-public content stored in Hongtu when users use network services, except for the following circumstances:

6.1.1 Obtain explicit authorization from the user in advance;

6.1.2 According to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations;

6.1.3 In accordance with the requirements of relevant government authorities;

6.1.4 To safeguard the interests of the public;

6.1.5 To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Hongtu.

6.2 Hongtu may cooperate with a third party to provide users with relevant network services. In this case, if the third party agrees to assume the same responsibility for protecting users' privacy as Hongtu, Hongtu has the right to provide users' registration information to the third party.

6.3 On the premise of not disclosing the privacy information of individual users, Hongtu has the right to analyze the entire user database and make commercial use of the user database.

VII. Disclaimer

7.1 The user expressly agrees that the risk of using the Hongtu network service will be entirely borne by itself, and all consequences arising from the use of the Hongtu network service will also be borne by itself, and Hongtu will not assume any responsibility for the user.

7.2 Hongtu does not guarantee that the network service will meet the requirements of users, nor does it guarantee that the network service will not be interrupted, nor does it guarantee the timeliness, security and accuracy of the network service.

7.3 Hongtu does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the external links set up for the convenience of users, and Hongtu does not assume any responsibility for the contents of any web pages that such external links point to and are not actually controlled by Hongtu.

7.4 For the network service interruption or other defects caused by force majeure or reasons beyond the control of Hongtu, Hongtu will not assume any responsibility, but will try its best to reduce the losses and impacts caused to users.

7.5 The user agrees that Hongtu shall not be liable for the quality defects of the following products or services provided by Hongtu to the user and any losses arising therefrom;

7.5.1 Network services provided by Hongtu to users free of charge;

7.5.2 Any product or service presented by Hongtu to the user;

7.5.3 Various products or services provided by Hongtu to users of fee-based network services.

7.6 Users shall consciously abide by the provisions of the Copyright Law and other relevant laws, shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of Hongtu and other users, and shall assume full responsibility for their personal acts.The user knows that Hongtu has neither the ability nor the responsibility to supervise and manage the user's copying of the work, and that the work uploaded in Hongtu can be copied by other users, and agrees to bear the relevant risks on its own.Hongtu will not assume any responsibility for legal disputes caused by other users'illegal copying of their uploaded works, and users will not claim any compensation from Hongtu.

7.7 Since the works of Hongtu users are uploaded by the users themselves, Hongtu has neither the ability nor the responsibility to examine whether there is any infringement in the works, and the legal liability for infringement involved in the works uploaded by users shall be borne by the uploading users themselves.Users agree that Hongtu shall not be liable for any legal disputes such as infringement arising from downloading and using works uploaded by other users, and users shall not claim any compensation from Hongtu.

7.8 In order to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the obligee, Hongtu, in accordance with the laws and regulations of our country, has the right to delete such infringing works without prior notice when it has reason to believe that there are obvious infringements, violations of laws and public interests.Hongtu supports the obligee (including but not limited to the copyright owner, portrait owner, etc.) to inform Hongtu of the violation or infringement. After providing the required right notice and relevant evidence, Hongtu has the right to delete the works and related contents suspected of violation or infringement.Hongtu shall not assume any liability arising from the removal of the work and other corresponding measures, including but not limited to the liability for damages caused to the uploader of the work because the work is not illegal or the infringement charge is not established.

7.9 All page advertisements of Hongtu are automatically provided by the cooperative unit, and the cooperative unit and the advertisement publishing unit are responsible for them.Hongtu can not censor all page advertisements in advance, and does not have the ability to monitor the illegal and false content, and does not bear the legal responsibility it brings.However, after receiving the relevant reports and verifying the facts, Hongtu will immediately take measures to block the corresponding advertising content.

7.10 The comments made by Hongtu users only represent their personal opinions and do not represent Hongtu's opinions.Users who make comments in Hongtu are deemed to have known and understood this statement and bear full legal responsibility for their comments, while Hongtu does not bear any legal responsibility for the comments made by users.

VIII. Compensation for breach of contract

8.1 The user agrees to protect and maintain the interests of Hongtu and other users. If losses are caused to Hongtu and its affiliates or any other third party due to, including but not limited to, the following circumstances, the user agrees to bear the liability for damages (including but not limited to attorney fees, litigation costs, arbitration fees and other reasonable costs):

8.1.1 The User or any other person using the account violates relevant laws, regulations or any terms under this Agreement;

8.1.2 Any third party claims that the works uploaded by the user infringe, embezzle or violate its copyright, trademark right, patent right, trade secret, privacy right, reputation right, publicity right, portrait right, property right or other legitimate rights and interests;

8.1.3 The user uses the works uploaded by the user in violation of the provisions of this Agreement or the provisions of laws and regulations, resulting in damage to the legitimate rights and interests of any third party;

8.1.4 All legal disputes arising from the user's unauthorized provision of his account to a third party for use;

8.1.5 The legitimate rights and interests of any third party are damaged due to the improper or illegal speech made by the user in violation of this Agreement or the provisions of laws and regulations;

8.1.6 Other circumstances that cause losses to Hongtu and its related parties or any other third party.

8.2 Any dispute and liability caused by the user, as well as any consequences caused by the user or the user's account violating laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement, shall be borne by the user independently and have nothing to do with Hongtu.

IX. Modification of the Agreement

9.1 Hongtu has the right to modify any terms of this Agreement at any time. Once the content of this Agreement is changed, Hongtu will prompt the user to modify the content in an appropriate way.

9.2 The user has the right to stop using the network service if he does not agree with the modification of the relevant terms of this agreement made by Hongtu.If the user continues to use the network service, it is deemed that the user accepts the modification made by Hongtu to the relevant terms of this agreement.

X. Service of Notice

10.1 All notices of Hongtu to users under this Agreement may be sent by means of webpage announcement, e-mail or regular letter transmission, and such notices shall be deemed to have been delivered to the addressee on the date of sending.

10.2 The user's notice to Hongtu shall be delivered through the mailing address, fax number, e-mail address and other contact information officially published by Hongtu.

XI. Jurisdiction of law

11.1 The conclusion, execution and interpretation of this Agreement and the settlement of disputes shall be governed by the laws of China and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Chinese courts.

11.2 The parties confirm that the domicile (or address), e-mail and mobile phone number left by the user in the registration information of the website involved in this agreement shall be used as the address for service of relevant information, notices and legal documents (including but not limited to arbitration awards, mediation documents, etc.) between the parties and in the arbitration of arbitration institutions and court execution.The parties confirm that any notice or legal document (including but not limited to arbitration award, conciliation statement, etc.) sent by the parties to this Agreement, the arbitration institution or the court to the parties to this Agreement may be sent by express mail, express delivery, e-mail or short message or by other means deemed appropriate by the arbitration institution or the court.The sending party shall be deemed to have been served by correctly filling in the domicile (or address), e-mail address or mobile phone number of the receiving party.If one party needs to change its domicile (or address), e-mail or mobile phone number without informing the other party, arbitration institution or court in writing, any party, arbitration institution or court sends legal documents to the original domicile (or address), original e-mail or original mobile phone number.If the legal documents sent are rejected or returned by the mail system or the short message system, the service shall be deemed to have been completed.

11.3 All disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement (including but not limited to contract disputes and tort disputes) shall be submitted to Nanjing Arbitration Commission for arbitration, and the place of arbitration shall be Nanjing.The losing party shall bear the arbitration fee, attorney fee, announcement fee, preservation fee, preservation guarantee fee, appraisal fee, evaluation fee, execution fee, delivery fee, travel expenses, accommodation fees, transportation fees and other expenses.

XII. Other provisions

12.1 "Hongtu" in this Agreement refers to the single name or collective name of Nanjing Tujie Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., the operator of the website involved in this Agreement, and the existing and/or future affiliated companies.

12.2 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the matters agreed in this Agreement and other related matters, and does not confer any other rights on the parties hereto except as provided in this Agreement.

12.3 If any provision of this Agreement is wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and binding.
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